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Defence Science & Technology Lab

DSTL is all about maximising the impact of science and technology for UK defence and security - giving the right science and technology advice at the right time. They provide the government with a wide programme of research and scientific and technical support, delivered from internal and external resources.

Their science and technology work covers a range of applications and disciplines including social science, mathematics and engineering and includes research, advice, consultancy, technical and systems risk management, and related activities.

DSTL works with everyone from very small companies to world-class universities, huge defence companies and other nations. Together they develop battle-winning technologies for the defence and security of the UK, chiefly to the Ministry of Defence, but they also work for more than 40 government departments and agencies.

They offer a two-year graduate programme for graduates with scientific, technology or humanities degrees. Their graduates work in one of the following areas:

  • Graduate Analyst – covering analysis including operational research, technology and social science
  • Graduate Engineer – covering engineering and technology
  • Graduate Scientist – covering science, social science, technology, information science, mathematics and statistics



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